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Santiago Rivera
Santiago Rivera

Bella Ciao Original HOT!

Aunque no todos los partisanos fueron comunistas, la popularidad de Bella ciao comenzó a mitad del siglo XX, aprovechando los numerosos Festivales mundiales de las juventudes comunistas que tuvieron lugar en varias ciudades como Berlín, Praga y Viena, donde la canción era cantada por los delegados italianos y posteriormente traducida a los idiomas de los delegados de otros países. Esta canción alcanzó una gran difusión en los sesenta, sobre todo durante las manifestaciones obreras y estudiantiles de 1968. Las primeras grabaciones de esta versión partisana se deben a la cantante italiana de origen emiliano Giovanna Daffini y al cantautor francés de origen toscano Yves Montand. En 1969, el cantautor alicantino Adolfo Celdrán la versionó en castellano incluyéndola en su primer sencillo, que fue marcado como no radiable por la censura. Los tres temas del sencillo fueron incluidos en la reedición de 2004 de su primer álbum Silencio.

bella ciao original

The history of the Bella Ciao song goes to 1943 as in those times. Bella Ciao original song was used as a folk song by Italians to protest. The popular song Bella Ciao meaning Goodbye Beautiful, has its socio-political roots, which not many people talk about or acknowledge. The song was originated in the 19th century as the song of resistance and was known as the anti-fascist anthem in Italy from 1943-1945. Italian partisans used to sing this song as a sign of resistance to protest against the German Nazis forcefully trying to occupy Italy.

Since then, there have been many iterations of the popular song, and many different versions emerged on social media of the same. Bella Ciao song artists have received worldwide recognition for this song. People have made their own versions of the global hit and the song was even heard in the protests of CAA-NRC in India. In the #OccupyGateway protest gathering, people were heard singing new Bella Ciao lyrics that were written according to the CAA protests. The Bella Ciao original song was also sung as a rallying cry for activists in Catalonia, anti-Brexit protests and the Yellow Vest movement in France. The song perfectly describes the feeling of power of resistance and its ability to transform across different cultures.

The most-awaited and new season of Money Heist will be releasing in two parts with first part releasing in September and the final part in December on Netflix. Till then you can listen to the song Bella Ciao from Netflix original soundtrack below:

Bella ciao ist ein Lied, das in der Version der italienischen Partisanen im Zweiten Weltkrieg bekannt wurde. Es entwickelte sich zu einer der Hymnen der antifaschistischen, anarchistischen, kommunistischen und sozialdemokratischen Bewegungen. 041b061a72


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