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Santiago Rivera
Santiago Rivera

[S2E9] Is She Really Going Out With Him

I heard that phrase somewhere and I thought that could be a kind of funny song about gorgeous girls going out with monsters. It just started from there. It was just a funny song, or supposed to be funny. It was a great surprise to me when some people interpreted it as being angry.

[S2E9] Is She Really Going Out with Him


In another interview, Jackson recalled another incident where the lyrics to the song were misinterpreted. He explained that he was accused of racism by a black man because of the song's opening lyric "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street", which the man had thought was about black men dating white women. Jackson concluded, "And no matter what I said he wouldn't believe me, and as far as he was concerned that was what it was. So, I mean, really, what can you do? (Laughs) I always feel like my lyrics are very clear, but what can I say?"[6]

Back with Charles: He runs the same mucky cold course his father once did, but it seems to be going less well for him. Uncle Dickie has come to visit! Hooray! Dickie sees (and hears) how rough things are going at this school and tells Charles he can confide in him. Of course, this information goes right back to Elizabeth, who has made a decision: She's pulling Charles out of there. She says that he's the future king of the country and Philip just about loses it. He basically threatens the state of their whole marriage if she proceeds: "Honor your word and keep your husband." Yeow.

And man, this plane crash story is so brutal I really don't want to recap it. Let's just say it's awful, with an extra special layer of horror in that Cecile gives birth during the crash (and take a moment to imagine going through labor while your plane is crashing) and so a newborn is found in the wreckage as well. Dr. Hahn tries to walk Philip through the horror but there's really no way, and he runs out of the room. He can't stop imagining the crash and he leaves school still in his pajamas and jumps in a boat. When Dr. Hahn and the boys go looking for him, Dr. Hahn calls out that the school will now be his family.

It's the day of the tournament and, yeah, this is going to go pretty terribly. Charles is not up to it and the private detective who trails him seems to be the only one who really knows. Philip arrives and is all pumped. The other boys start to return and Philip greets them but keeps looking at the door, waiting for Charles. There's a young, blond chap who Philip recognizes as being the same kind of dude as himself (imagine if that's the son he had), and yet there's still no Charles. Where is he? Crying behind a pillar.

It's first thing in the morning when Olivia drops by the newspaper office to check on Jack. After a marathon all-nighter he's finished his article on Luke and PTSD and the final piece has him invigorated. Olivia's thrilled to see Jack's newfound enthusiasm and she could use a dose of his positive energy today. That's because Olivia has an early lunch with Rebecca Jennings. The two are going to be working together and, after their less than favorable start, Olivia's hoping to find some common ground with the new ADA.

Meanwhile Grace is struggling to come to terms with her own renewed relationship with Will. While she did not want to have feelings for him his move at dinner brought all her old emotions for him flooding back. At the same time, Grace feels things with Cliff are moving too quickly. While Cliff's out of town for a few days and with Will is heading back to Atlanta, Grace is looking forward to some quiet time to figure out where her life is going. Unfortunately for her, that time is going to have to wait.

Back at the Thyme & Tide, Peggy tells Bob that she is headed off to a meeting of her Book Club. As this is second meeting this month, Bob is a little suspicious as to where she's really going. Peggy laughs off his concerns, saying, "What happens in Book Club stays in Book Club." In reality Peggy is meeting with a private investigator to try and find out who is sending her flowers. She suspects that culprit is a man named Colin McFadden. What she doesn't suspect is that Bob happens to be in plain view of her meeting and is now wondering what's really going on.

A part of me rebelled against this twist. Would William really kill such a convincing vision of his daughter based on such a flimsy assumption? After all, Ford himself could have sent Emily a copy of his profile if he wanted to mess with him. Or William could have made a less permanent move and continued on to the Valley without her. Then again, William was seriously wounded, and perhaps a bit delirious, so maybe he was out of his mind?

Leon turns out to be quite good at going undercover as he gets the new gang leader to admit to the kid shooting on tape. As Antonio, Cruz, Voight and the team listen from a van behind them, Leon and the gang are shot at by a passing car with an automatic rifle. Luckily Leon was in the middle and the gang members on either side absorbed a lot of the bullets. However Cruz still blows Leon's cover by running in and hugging him in front of the head gang member.

This causes Voight and Antonio to recommend Leon leaves town indefinitely. Combine that with the fact the woman he was going to marry, Zoya, ends up leaving without telling him - and you have a lot of heartache in one episode.

Shay of course spiraling out of control was my other favorite story this week. Her disappearance prompted a great scene with Severide and Dawson where he pleaded with her to understand that it's her that Shay needed, not Severide. The end of his speech - "whatever went on between you two...just fix it" - could be a great piece of advice for any two characters going through things on the show. They're family, so they can move past anything and stick together no matter how hard that may seem sometimes.

Stars Hollow weirdness:Everyone gives Lorelai a hard time about going out with someone who is at most, ten years younger than her. Paul, her date, is played by Bryce Johnson, aka Josh Ford from "Popular" and Detective Wilden from "Pretty Little Liars." I used to watch the latter with my old roommate, Christine, and I have to say ... it's pretty convoluted, but fun for the first few seasons.

Lorelai: Dating, do you have that down?Luke: Okay, if this is about that kid, then ...Lorelai: No, it's not about anything, it's just a question.Luke: Well, I don't know if I have it down. Considering I live with my nephew, I'd say probably not.Lorelai: I don't have it down either. I've never been very good at it really. I've never even really liked it. Too much 'what if.' I like things I can count on. I mean, uh, actually, with Max, it was the first time I was finally like 'Hey, here it is, that one person who will always be there for me.' And then, I turned around, and it's suddenly 'Oops, wrong, keep moving.'Luke: Why are you telling me this?Lorelai: I don't have very many people in my life who are in my life permanently forever. They will always be there for me. I will always be there for them, you know? There's Rory, and Sookie, and this town and ... you. I mean, at least I think I've got ...Luke: You do.Lorelai: Good. Just checking.

But that wasn't the only thing that weighed on Ray. His manipulation of Kate just piled on to the guilt he was already feeling, because (again) things with her got personal. When Ray told Lee and Ezra that Cookie wanted the rights to Recon and Marvin's catalogues, he didn't necessarily care that Cookie was profiting off of the murders he committed. Ezra cared, but when Ray told him (emotionally) that Bridget was there, that changed everything. These personal connections to his work are starting to form cracks that Ray is going to have to address sooner than later.

Bunchy's story this week showed what happens when you don't. Though his relationship with his new girlfriend seemed to be going swimmingly (she even appreciated his need to take things slowly, sexually), his bond with her son Cliff took an unfortunate turn when he's asked to get Cliff out of the bath. (Side note: as mild as Bunchy's personally seems, it can be argued that it was really inappropriate for him to be dealing with Cliff's bath time anyway). Predictably, Bunchy freaks out when little naked Cliff attached himself like a monkey, going so far as to throw him to the floor. But the melding of his childhood trauma with his current sexual confusion only frightened his girlfriend because of the fact he couldn't articulate what the issue was. In his desire to not be a pedophile like his childhood abuser, he ended up sounding exactly like one.

The penultimate episode of season 2 of The Umbrella Academy was a brutal one. The siblings are all safe (minus Ben), JFK was still assassinated, and everyone is still stuck in the 60s with no way out in sight. And what is going on with Harlan? Can he be saved? One episode remains. You can watch all 10 episodes of season 2 of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix now.

Just recently, I got in contact with Dick Starman, the McDonald's executive who went toe to toe with Bill Sokoloff on network TV. I wanted to know what happened inside McDonald's headquarters after Sokolof came at them. Did they have a picture of him with a bull's eye on it? How was it that a company making mass produced milkshakes, hamburgers, and deep fried potatoes was somehow sensitive to the charge that they were making unhealthy food? That kind of thing. He didn't want to talk. Maybe it's still a sore point after all these years. All we know is McDonald's gave in, they folded. And once they folded, everyone else did too. Wendy's announced they were going with 100% corn oil, Burger King said they would switch to cottonseed and soybean.

McDonald's challenge was to find a way to replace a hard fat with a liquid fat. And liquid fats are less than ideal in a deep fryer, that's problem number one. The first replacement oil McDonald's experiments with is a cotton seed and corn oil blend, but that turns out to be really high in something called "trans-fat" and it's not long before everyone realizes that trans-fats are way, way, way worse for you than animal fats; it's not even close. So in 2002, McDonald's changes the oils again, cutting the trans-fat in half. Six years later, they have to switch yet again, this time to get rid of all the trans-fat. Then, there's a problem that vegetable oils aren't nearly as stable as hard fats. All kinds of nasty things happen when you heat them up. The deep fryer suddenly becomes a kind of witches' cauldron, spewing dangerous elements. 041b061a72


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