Patch For Devil May Cry 3
For those who can't re-install the patch because of the path directory/in case you changed the game directory, run Registry Editor (Win+R, then enter "regedit", click OK) and navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CAPCOM\Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition\1.00.000" (I'm using Windows 10 64 bit so not sure for other versions), you'll see a key named "InstallPath". Modify then enter your DMC3SE path in the Value Data. The path will change once you open the updater again.
Patch For Devil May Cry 3
In addition to this, the team has now released Version 1.0.1. According to patch notes via the official Capcom Twitter account, it resolves an issue tied to ranged weapons and fixes save data corruption:
Now they just need to fix the customization screen being 4:3 aspect ratio and the low-quality pre-rendered cutscenes.Not holding out hope for the latter, but it's nice to see Capcom actually putting in a bit of effort to patch their releases for once.
KNOWN ISSUES:- The game background (first level 'crazy party' in the office) is black/dark, it only display right when firing. Fix: install the game patch v1.1 or later.- No cutscenes videos displayed (.MPG files).
The game works flawlessly, except for cutscenes (this is what I get from the console: [fixme:quartz:VMR9FilterConfig_SetNumberOfStreams (0x190a00/0x190800)->(2) stub] I'm guessing something isn't implemented)and gamepad controls, which can be a bit tricky to get working properly using the tools provided by the game.*I use a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2, I tried using the tool provided by this update for configuring the controller, key bindings are ok, but the axes on the main stick are crossed, X to Y and Y to X, as far as I can tell there is no way to fix this natively, in order to get the gamepad working properly I had to disable it in wine's control panel and use an external program (qjoypad). I had similar problems in Windows to begin with, so I can confirm that this has nothing to do with Wine, (the game was a terrible console port to begin with).I even used a patch from ( -may-cry-3-dantes-awakening) in order to get it running on Widescreen, it works perfectly. 041b061a72