Time And Tide (2000) Free
The film was re-written several times during production and post-production stages to accommodate director Tsui Hark's casting choices. The film was nominated for six Hong Kong Film Awards and received generally positive reviews from critics.
Time and Tide (2000)
Around that time, a group of South American mercenaries known as the Angels, arrive and threaten Jack, who seems to be a former member, with their leader, Miguel, offering him a chance to rejoin them if he kills his own father in law, a man whom Tyler's company is hired to protect. Tyler and Jack eventually face off, but soon find themselves running together from the group of mercenaries. Ah Hui unfortunately also gets involved.
The three main protagonists, however, are the ones who steal the show, both for their evident charisma, and their combined chemistry. Nicholas Tse as Tyler shows here why he became the star he is until today, with his constant struggle and resolve setting the tempo for the film. Wu Bai as Jack is as cool as one would expect from a rock star. Candy Lo as Ah Hui is always joyful to look at in the film, with her smile feeling the screen every time she appears on it. The angst and resolve she emits during the rather agonizing finale is the highlight of her performance
What that stuff is can be difficult to describe. Tyler's problems are existential youth issues that permeate your typical Goo Wat Jai flick, but Tsui Hark kicks it up a notch by adding intermittent existential voice-over which take us into Tyler's mind. His issues may seem identifiable, but Tyler spends just as much time contemplating postcards of paradise, or debating God's intentions in creating this world. All that existential mumbo-jumbo could imply a greater universality to Tyler's struggle. He, like all man, is merely trying to get by while simultaneously discovering his place and ultimate destiny—and the forces which will drive him there. That could be the universal message that Tsui Hark wants to impart. Or, it could just be randomly scripted existential mumbo-jumbo that purports to mean something when it actually means absolutely nothing at all. You be the judge.
Both men have similar things at stake (pregnant wives), and both must dig within themselves to find the strength to move forward and affect the desired change in their lives. That's what the conflicts in Time and Tide are about: the necessary will to survive in the urban jungle represented by Hong Kong. Tsui Hark is trying to show us the human spirit at work in these dangerously chaotic times. Or, he could just be looking for an excuse to create a forty-five minute action ending which blends acrobatic heroic bloodshed with finely orchestrated chaos. Again, you be the judge.
But at least the kick-ass action and loosely connected interludes seem to work - and work well. The action is one thing: a combination of Matrix-like camera tricks and entertaining gunplay that's cartoony, yet visceral and entertaining. The loosely connected interludes are another: despite their questionable connection to the overall film, the pieces can sometimes be emotional and even telling. Tsui Hark manages to find recognizable pieces of humanity in his genre mishmash, and it's practically enough to redeem the entire film.
The first section of the film is a reprint of a reel shot by Billy Bitzer in 1903 titled "Down the Hudson" for Biograph. It chronicles in single frame time lapse a section of the river between Newburgh, NY and Yonkers. The second section of the film was shot by filmmaker Peter Hutton (1998-99) and records fragments of several trips up and down the Hudson River between Bayonne, New Jersey and Albany, New York. The filmmaker was traveling on the tugboat "Gotham" as it pushed (up river) and pulled (down river) the Noel Cutler, a barge filled with 35,000 barrels of unleaded gasoline.
A testament to what Tsui Hark is capable of. Of course for some that might not be enough, but people would wish he would make movies like that in Hollywood ... or every so often when he goes back to HK from time to time!With a strong cast (including Nicolas Tse, Anthony Wong etc.) for a story that is thin, but supports the action in a good way. We don't have to discuss the action scenes here, either you like the way they shoot them in HK or you're more a Hollywood kind of guy (although if you're the latter, than you shouldn't watch this movie) ... Although this movie can not be compared to his classics, it's a shame that since Time & Tide Hark, has not delivered another movie that could match (or be better than) this one ...Edit: he probably has delivered since - and the variety of how the stunts are shot (from realistic to way over the top) is quite something. What I only realized from rewatching the other day: all the John Woo references. Which are surely meant more as a love letter than the opposite (even if doves don't cry or really fly that much). One of the lesser known Hark movies, but surely one of the better ones too.
The full history of the creation, management, and impacts of the National Marine Sanctuary System is told for the first time in "Time and Tide". The first seven chapters tell the story of the development of the sanctuary system as a whole, from its roots in the history of parks and protected areas to its contemporary identity as a member of international, national, and local communities. The last 19 chapters relay the stories of how each national marine sanctuary and marine national monument came to be, what they have achieved, and how they are working toward the future.
Geodetic datum relationships to tidal datums are established at tide stations byconnecting tidal bench mark networks to the National Spatial ReferenceSystem (NSRS) maintained by NGS. There are two survey procedures usedto make this connection. The first is to connect the tidal bench markswith traditional differential levels to nearby geodetic bench markswith known geodetic elevations. The second is to occupy the tidalbench marks using a static GPS survey to determine the geodeticelevations of the bench marks directly. In all cases it is advised tomake the connections to more than one bench mark, preferably to threemarks, in order to confirm the connection and identify unstable benchmarks. The elevation relationship between geodetic datums andtidal datums should not be extrapolated away from a particular locationwithout correction or interpolation as the relationships vary withparameters such as variations in range of tide, bathymetry, topography,geoid variations, and vertical land movement. Any interpolation shouldbe done carefully, and where possible guided by the use of the National Ocean ServiceVDatum tool which can be obtained at:
The chapters, as a result, like those excerpted in The New Yorker, are best savored a few at a time; a more sustained exposure is likely to prove exhausting. So operatic are the emotions expressed and so consistent is Nell's overwrought response to "the vast inhospitality of a creaking world" that a steadfast reader may get the sense of being in a windowless room with an articulate stranger rehearsing an endless repertory of grievances. The author offers virtually no relief, no escape from the lyrical melancholy, in more than 300 decidedly humorless pages. The feelings most commonly recorded in this compendium of resentments are "murderous" anger, "raw murderous feelings," "rage and mistrust," fury, hatred and vindictiveness.
First, let us be fully aware of the extraordinaryremoteness of that period of which our historytreats. To attempt to define that period chronologicallywould be utterly futile. When we havestated that it is more ancient than almost any otherperiod which we can discuss, we have expressedall that we are really entitled to say. Yet thisconveys not a little. It directs us to look backthrough all the ages of modern human history,through the great days of ancient Greece andRome, back through the times when Egypt andAssyria were names of renown, through the dayswhen Nineveh and Babylon were mighty andpopulous cities in the zenith of their glory. Backearlier still to those more ancient nations of which[11]we know hardly anything, and still earlier tothe prehistoric man, of whom we know less; back,finally, to the days when man first trod on thisplanet, untold ages ago. Here is indeed a portentousretrospect from most points of view, butit is only the commencement of that which oursubject suggests.
Thus we begin with the ripple of the tide on thesea-beach which we see to-day. The ebb and theflow of the tide are the present manifestations ofan agent which has been constantly at work. Letthat present teach us what tides must have done inthe indefinite past.
It will be well to set forth a few preliminaryfigures which shall explain how it comes to passthat the efficiency of the sun as a tide-producingagent is so greatly inferior to that of the moon.Indeed, considering that the sun has a mass sostupendous, that it controls the entire planetarysystem, how is it that a body so insignificant as themoon can raise a bigger tide on the ocean thancan the sun, of which the mass is 26,000,000 timesas great as that of our satellite?
This apparent paradox will disappear when weenunciate the law according to which the efficiencyof a tide-producing agent is to be estimated. Thislaw is somewhat different from the familiar form in[15]which the law of gravitation is expressed. Thegravitation between two distant masses is to bemeasured by multiplying these masses together,and dividing the product by the square of the distance.The law for expressing the efficiency of atide-producing agent varies not according to theinverse square, but according to the inverse cubeof the distance. This difference in the expressionof the law will suffice to account for the superiorityof the moon as a tide-producer over the sun. Themoon's distance on an average is about one386th part of that of the sun, and thus it is easyto show that so far as the mere attraction of gravitationis concerned, the efficiency of the sun's forceon the earth is about one hundred and seventy-fivetimes as great as the force with which the moonattracts the earth. That is of course calculatedunder the law of the inverse square. To determinethe tidal efficiency we have to divide this by threehundred and eighty-six, and thus we see that thetidal efficiency of the sun is less than half that ofthe moon. 041b061a72